Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

2010 was... intense. I am 39 credit hours closer to my degree... by this time next year I'll have my BA!

I had a relationship for about 5 months (from April to August) that taught me what I want (and don't want) in a romantic partner. Interestingly, I thought that intellectual compatibility was paramount for me, but I found, much to my surprise, that emotional compatibility was much more important. Also political compatibility is essential and - this is a big one - MUST LOVE DOGS! So I put this out to the Universe: I'm very clear that the person I share my life with in the future must be a kind, warm, intelligent, left-leaning dog lover. :)

I was unemployed for nearly all of 2010 and I'm so grateful that I had paid enough in to unemployment that I had the benefits I needed (along with a new housemate - more on that in a second) and student loans that allowed me to make my mortgage payments and feed Griffin, Merry, and Pippin. Maeve is still in "foster care", living the good life with friends who spoil her rotten. She's had a trainer, been in a couple of horse shows, and even starred in a commercial! A miracle occurred in December - the owner of the appraisal company that shares an office with my old firm called me out of the blue and offered me an admin assistant/researcher position. He's someone who I've known and respected for several years, and since I worked in the same office with him and his appraisers, there are no weird personality surprises. I like the people I work with a lot and think this is a perfect fit, especially since I can continue to attend UNM full-time while I'm working.
My friend Robert started renting a room from me a year ago today. It's worked out great! Robert has a wicked sense of humor (example: he was about to go and house sit for other friends and he said, "I bet you'll be glad to have your house to yourself." I said, "No, I'll miss you. You're like the brother I never wanted. " He replied, "and you're like the sister I wish I'd killed.") Expecting more hilarity this year. :)
I've lost about 20 pounds this year - just 40 more to go! I haven't really been dieting, but I walk to and from school every day and I walk Griffin (now about 100 pounds of puppy) twice a day as well. I gave up artificial sweetner and watch my carbs. I think I'm getting kind of inflexible (bad for someone who has traditionally been known as "entirely flexible") so back to yoga for me. I'm working on illustrations for a yoga book for a teacher in New York. It will be a pop-up and will come with a DVD. I'll post when it's available to buy!

Speaking of available - the Two Fine Ladies books are now available from Lionaps, as IPad and IPod applications. I asked Random House for the rights and they kindly allowed them to revert back to me. I'm hoping a whole new crowd of five year old girls will enjoy them. :)

I did one show this year - Lucky Stiff at the Adobe. It was great fun, but I think I need to wait til I'm done with school to do any more. I also costumed Spelling Bee for MTS, which was awesome. I'm sorry to say that most of the costumes went up in flames during the warehouse fire, but MTS survived and is still doing theatre, so that's good. I also worked on two movies - one for 48 Hours, which I co-wrote with my friends Karl and Glenda, and one that I did art department stuff for - the Treehouse for Duke City Shootout. I am hoping hard that the NM government remembers all of the revenues the film industry brings to this state when they decide about tax incentives for film here...

Guess that's it for now. Looking forward to seeing what the year brings - and I'm hoping to be more devoted to this blog!

Wishing anyone who reads this clarity, happiness, and the strength of your convictions in 2011!